Partner agency support and events

PACT works closely with other agencies and local authorities who run events and provide specialist support for adopters. In addition to the range of support provided by PACT, you may be eligible to access the following support depending on where you live.

Parenting special children logo

Parenting Special Children

Parenting Special Children is an organisation that provides specialist support for Berkshire families who have children and young people with special needs. They run webinars and groups for children who have additional needs. You can find out more on the Parenting Special Children website or contact the team on 07557 102623 / email:

We are family logo

We Are Family

Find out more on their website

NATP logo

National Association of Therapeutic Parents (NATP)

Find out more here on the Adopt London website

PAC uk and Adoption Plus

Adoptionplus and PAC-UK

Find out more here on the Adopt London website