Blog: Meeting his children’s birth family – A PACT dad’s experience

Agreeing to meet his children's birth mum and grandma was the most nerve-wracking experience one PACT dad had during the adoption process but probably, he says, the most important. 
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Blog: What Pride means to me

As June is Pride month, Heather, a PACT senior social worker and PACT’s LGBTQ+ ambassador, reflects on her experiences of Pride.
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Blog: PACT on BBC’s The One Show

PACT took part in a feature on BBC's The One Show on 3rd June which highlighted the need for adoptive parents for Black children waiting in care.
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Blog: Adoption Leave

This Q&A accompanies an edition of PACT's Talking Adoption Show where Dean answers some of the most commonly asked questions about adoption leave.
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Blog: From Events Volunteer to Enquiries Officer

Anna Webster works as an adoption enquiries officer for PACT. She first became involved with PACT four years ago when she was looking for volunteering roles while at university.
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Preparing to adopt – why we ask for voluntary experience with children

We ask everyone hoping to become a parent through adoption about their experience working with, caring for and supporting children. Even if a prospective adopter is working with children in a professional capacity, we encourage all applicants to gain voluntary experience. Volunteering with children has many benefits from increasing your experience of being with children,… Continue reading Preparing to adopt – why we ask for voluntary experience with children
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What’s the difference between a Voluntary Adoption Agency and a Regional Adoption Agency?

One of the first decisions to make if you are thinking about adopting is which agency to choose. In your local area there are likely to be two types of adoption agencies to choose from – Voluntary Adoption Agencies (VAAs) and Regional Adoption Agencies (RAAs). This blog explains the main differences between them, to help you reach the right decision for you.
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Blog: Fertility and adoption

At PACT, we understand that many people considering adoption also explore fertility treatments, surrogacy, sperm or egg donations as a way of having children.
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Blog: Contact – An adoptive mum’s view

Adoption can be a beautiful thing and social media is full of #adoptionrocks, but every so often I remind myself that adoption is not always happy, fluffy and full of joy. For all the love and happy moments I get to share with my children, it would be unfair for me to not acknowledge the… Continue reading Blog: Contact – An adoptive mum’s view
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Blog: How Much Does Adoption Cost?

Something we are frequently asked is how much does it cost to adopt a child? In the current UK cost of living crisis where many households are facing increased food, energy, transport and housing costs, this question is particularly relevant for anyone thinking about becoming a parent. People are often surprised to hear that there… Continue reading Blog: How Much Does Adoption Cost?
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Blog: Visit to Emmanuel Baptist Church, Thamesmead

PACT and Home for Good. Together we can find a home for every child who needs one. 

A home for every child that needs one. A bold vision to find a loving family for the hundreds of children in care. But this is the goal for Home for Good, a charity that we partner with to find adoptive families from faith communities.  

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Blog: Can I adopt if I have a pet?

Dogs, cats, and other companion animals are an important part of many people’s lives. In 2021, more than half (51%) of UK adults owned a pet and 26% of UK adults had a dog, with an estimated population of 9.6 million pet dogs. At PACT we are often asked if owning a pet is a barrier to… Continue reading Blog: Can I adopt if I have a pet?
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