How we make a difference

Adoption support services

In 2023-24 at PACT…


families were supported by our Adopter Champions


families were referred to our FACTS therapeutic service


families were supported by our Strengthening Families team


families were supported by our Education Support Service

More achievements from our adoption support services…

  • 54 events/group meetings for children and adopted young people – 16 Adoptee Voices groups were offered for older children and 38 children’s activity sessions were held
  • 18 support sessions for adoptive parents took place
  • 23 training courses were held for prospective adopters, adoptive parents and friends and family
  • 86 families came to our two family fun days

“[The Adopter Champion service] has truly saved my family! We now have a wonderful little boy who enjoys spending time with his family, and comes to us for comfort. At home now we are not just surviving, we are thriving.”

“The input we have had from both [the Education Lead] and the Adoption Support team at PACT has been phenomenal and our lives are certainly better for it.”

– PACT parent

“It’s great to meet up with other adopters and the girls have always felt at home knowing that all the other children (but for a few birth children) are from the same type of background”