Paediatric Occupational Therapists with Sensory Integration Training

Parents And Children Together – PACT – has been building and strengthening families since 1911.

PACT helps hundreds of families every year through outstanding adoption and specialist therapeutic support and inspirational community projects across London and the south of England.

PACT is one of the UK’s leading independent adoption agencies, placing children with secure and loving families and supporting them with specialist therapeutic support. Our specialist FACTS service helps children to overcome difficulties in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood which have resulted from early trauma and neglect.

In order to expand our FACTS service, we are looking for OT Sensory Integration trained therapists with experience in working with adoptive children and families to undertake SI assessments and / or to deliver SI therapy packages.

We are looking to recruit in the following areas: Berkshire and London.

If you are interested in joining the team, please complete our FACTS application form and email it to  For an informal discussion about the role, please call the HR Team on 0118 402 1681.