Russell-Cooke is a top 100 London-based law firm with over 200 solicitors and lawyers. Their Children and Education Team specialises in children law and represents families and children in family court proceedings. Russell-Cooke first came into contact with PACT at The Fertility Show and subsequently volunteered to share their expertise free of charge to create informative resources for the people PACT supports.
In 2022, Russell-Cooke solicitors Samantha Little and James Sandiford hosted a webinar for CATCH, PACT’s online Children And Trauma Community Hub, which supports adoptive parents, foster carers, special guardians and the professionals who work with them. The webinar was created to help adoptive families better understand the legal process of adoption orders and James and Samantha provided resources and support for navigating the complexities of care proceedings.
Earlier this year, Russell-Cooke’s team shared their knowledge and skills once again, this time to support parents and their children who have experienced domestic abuse. PACT’s Bounce Back 4 Kids (BB4K) domestic abuse recovery programme works with children and parents affected by domestic abuse to support them to heal from trauma and move forward with their lives, and part of this support includes online learning resources. Russell-Cooke solicitors Jade Quirke and Natasha Kirke created a video series to help parents understand and navigate children law court proceedings following separation as a result of domestic abuse.
Head of Department Sarah Richardson said: “Our Children Law team here at Russell Cooke are delighted to support the important work that PACT continues to do for so many families. By sharing our specialist knowledge we hope to enhance the amazing work PACT do. We look forward to more joint ventures and we are always available to answer your questions.”
PACT is incredibly grateful to the team at Russell-Cooke for sharing their time and expertise to create valuable resources that will be a great benefit to those who use our services. Thank you Russell-Cooke; you are PACT superstars!
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